Congressman Jimmy Gomez Marks the End of Hispanic Heritage Month


Date: Oct. 15, 2018
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Congressman Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) issued the following statement to mark the end of Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated each year from the 15th of September until the 15th of October:

"Hispanic Heritage Month is another opportunity for us to recognize the history, culture, and achievements of the Latino community in Los Angeles and across the nation. Whether they were immigrants or native-born, our community has made enormous and lasting contributions to art, culture, science, and business in America.

"Through advocacy and civic engagement, Latinos and Latinas have been at the forefront of the fight to advance civil and workers' rights. And with their military and public service, we have worked tirelessly to chart a course for our nation that keeps intact the promise of prosperity, equality, and justice for all -- including the citizens for Puerto Rico, more than 300,000 TPS recipients, and over 800,000 inspiring young DREAMers.

"Honoring the contributions of our community shouldn't be confined to September and October alone, but throughout the year and beyond. As a proud son of Mexican immigrants, I'll continue to work in Congress to ensure that all who call America their home have the chance to pursue their own American dream."
